What is Wahabism?

A phobia is created by the western world to identify this group. The aim of this man was to purify Islam in its original form but the grave worshipers played the dirty game. Now most of the Muslims know what the real situation is. I quote a little bit about Sh. Abdul Wahab. Please read it to understand him. In the first half of the twelfth century (Hijra) the Islamic World had reached its extreme decline, degradation and utter fall. The atmosphere was very gloomy and darkness had covered all its regions. Moral degradation and corruption was rampant everywhere. As for religion it was decadent as everything else. The pure and austere monotheism (TAWHEED) of the Prophet (sal) had become corrupted with the burgeoning growth of superstition and mysticism. The mosques stood empty, unfrequented and even deserted. The ignorant multitude decked out in amulets, charms and rosaries listened to and blindly followed squalid faqeers and ecstatic dervishes. These men urged them to perform pilgri...