
Showing posts from December, 2014

Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet

............................................................................................................................................................... Most of our Muslim brothers consider that celebrating the birthday of our beloved prophet is a big virtuous act but it is an innovation. By this celebration we are following the non Muslims foot by foot. If it is a virtuous act then our prophet should have shown us how to celebrate his birthday. The truth is that the prophet or his predecessors Khalifa Abu  Bakkar or Umar or Usman or Ali may peace and blessings be upon them all never celebrated his birthday. So it is advisable not to do any innovations on his name.

Shackles of the Mind - Dr. Bilal Philips


Science reveals that God created the Universe.flv


Al-Qur'an a Miracle of Miracles - Ahmed Deedat


100% proof the Qur'an is The Word of God.


Intro to Creation Science: What your University Professors Won't Tell You - Dr. Don Patton
