The Marriage of Ayesha and the Prophet.

The marriage of Ayesha (RA) and the Prophet (SAW) was arrange by Almighty Allah. This marriage proved a great benefit to the followers of the prophet. In the later time she handed down more than two thousand prophetic sayings to the Muslims. She became forth in the narrators list. Because of her young age she became a good scholar and served the community with a lot of Islamic verdicts they needed. She related number of hadis regarding the marriage life.

The Prophet (saw) took Ayesha to live together at the age of twelve not as soon as the marriage contract took place at the age of nine. After the marriage contact Aysha lived with their parents for 3 years then only with a very small marriage ceremony she went to live with the prophet. When she went to live with the prophet together she was twelve but she was well built at that time than her actual age. In a narration it is said that the Prophet married Sawda, an old lady of age fifty five before the marriage with Ayesha. However these two marriages took place in the same year. All the marriages took place due to some strong religious and social reasons.

In some hadis you can see that the Prophet consumed the marriage with Ayesha when she was just nine years. Medically there is a possibility of becoming a big girl at this age. In hot countries the possibility of becoming adolescence at the age of nine is common. Even in our country, Sri Lanka we know cases of some girls becoming adolescence at the age of nine. Not only that our grand parents have married when they were very young.

Some westerners criticize this marriage because of Ayesaha's young age but we must know that the practice of that time in most part of the world was marring at young ages. So it was not a big issue then. However the modern world think it a big crime. In the same time we see the big leaders of our time use even school girls for their fun making without a real marriage contract. Actually this has to be criticized than real marriage of a young girl who attained puberty.

If the prophet married Ayesha to satisfy his lust he should have done that at his young age, not after passing his age of fifty. Actually he married his first wife Kadija when she was twice widowed at her age of forty. At that time the age of the prophet was only twentyfive. This marriage was a very happy one until her death. After the death of Kadija he contracted all the other marriages he had for various religious and social reasons.

When you consider the marriage requirements of a couple, the first and foremost condition should be that they should be reached the age of child bearing. Then the permission of the guardian should be sought. If these conditions are satisfied there is no objection in marring the two parties on condition that both parties agreed the marriage.

The age limit to marriage varies from country to country. Whatever the rules imposed, the religion of Islam does not object the marriage if the above conditions are satisfied.

The marriage between the Prophet and Ayesha (RA) has many more things to say. This marriage helped his friend Abu Bakkar (RA) to build relationship with the prophet. It gave fine religious lessons regarding the marriage to the Muslims until the last day. Ayesha (RA) had the big opportunity to be the wife of the beloved prophet (SAW). If this marriage does't happen how all this things can take place.


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