The concept of God in Islam and various other religions

Although the word God is a common term in all religions, its meaning varies greatly. So it is important to explore that. Many religions, other than Islam, do not have a unique definition of God. Therefore, by translating the word Allah as God, non-Muslims understand it according to the wording of their religion. As a result, they do not get the correct meaning of it. Therefore, they rarely get to understand the basic concept of Islam.

There is more than one God in every religion except Islam. Therefore, translating the word Allah as God makes it difficult for a non-Muslim to understand its true meaning. A Muslim means God is only one Almighty God. That is about Allah.

According to Islam, Allah has no gender. And there is no multiple division. Allah has no birth. Accordingly, there are no parents. He has no beginning or end. But in other religions this concept of God is completely lost. Therefore, when the word Allah is translated into other languages, that reality disappears.

Allah creates and rules the universe and everything in it. Accordingly, there is a time when only Allah exists. Allah does not need anyone's help. He has a self-existence. This fact is very clearly stated in the Qur'an. But since most religions do not have such a description of God, non-Muslims do not get the correct meaning by translating the word Allah as God.

Allah has manifested many of His attributes by creating this universe. Thus he is known to create, plan and control something new from what he does not have. He has revealed many of his other qualities by creating man and jinn who has self-determination. Thus, Allah has shown that He forgives man's sins, is patient, pays man's deeds, and punishes wrongs. But this is not the case with the gods of other religions.

The study of the universe shows the oneness of Allah. Therefore, the Islamic belief in God is confirmed by what is in the universe. But there is no god but Allah. This word Allah cannot be translated into another language without changing its meaning.

By Fasy Ajward.B.Sc (Sp.Phy) Hons.Jpura,
Ex: Research officer at Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Twiter:- thetrue_path


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